Home & Garden Idea Fair

Apr 30, 2019

Clark PUD partnered with us in April 2019 for their Home & Garden Idea Fair. Volunteers from Clark County Leadership staffed the booth, and Clark PUD provided a smart screen monitor for us to play our How-To videos in the background. Older kids were drawn to the videos and the scavenger hunt printouts while younger kids immediately gravitated toward the math toys.

Check out the Clark PUD Home & Garden Partner Project

View Materials & Download Media Kit

Host Pop-up Play

Are you hosting an upcoming event and would like to include some Pop-up Math Play? Email us to schedule with a Math Anywhere volunteer.

Volunteer to Lead Pop-up Play

Math Anywhere relies on its amazing math volunteers to spread the Pop-up Play joy. If you would like to lead a math pop-up party, we can provide the math toys, materials, tent and signage. Email us for more details.